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Vortex water cooled industrial chiller

HotVortex water cooled industrial chiller

The width of the standard mold base should be less than the distance between the two guide columns of the injection molding machine....

2019/2/25 4:46:02

What is special steel?

There is no uniform definition and concept for special steel. It is generally considered that special steel refers to mold steel with special chemical composition (alloying), special process... 【more】

2019/2/25 4:44:08

Classification of die steel

Classification of die steel... 【more】

2019/2/25 4:38:46

Basic style of common formwork

Basic style of common formwork... 【more】

2019/2/25 4:33:42

Three standards for steel selection in formwork

Three standards for steel selection in formwork... 【more】

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